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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun with the laundry hamper

Ron and Scarlet decided to take pictures IN the empty clothes hamper while I was at work one day. According to Daddy, Scarlet thought it was pretty fun. Bet she wont think its so fun in about 12 or so years when I ask her to help me out by emptying the contents into the washing machine.... Better keep these pictures handy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Scarlet's new high chair

We finally went out and bought Scarlet a high chair vs feeding her in the Bumbo on the kitchen counter. (Yes, we know a lot of you shudder at that thought). Here are some pictures that Ron took a month or so ago. Luckily the cream colored cover/pad is washable! Didn't know that a high chair could like like real furniture, did ya?

"Now bring on tha food Da-Da!"

Monday, March 3, 2008

"My Adidas..." - sings Scarlet

One day in January shortly after the new year began, we found Scarlet a pretty pink & brown (Momma's favorite color combo for Scarlet) 2 piece Adidas track suit. And the next day or so when we dressed her in it to go out for the day, Daddy sat her down to take some pictures of Miss "Super Cute". And while she didn't bust out an old school Run-DMC rap, she did pose several adorable looks - when she wasn't getting distracted by the kitty-cat (as you'll see in some of the pics). Daddy even stood her up in the corner of the couch to capture how she'll look one day not that far away when she starts walking (though after seeing the pictures, Momma exclaimed "no, she looks too big like that").